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ANNOUNCING: Random Stuff Rebranding!

We’re Excited to Announce that We’re Rebranding

To our followers, you’ve seen us grow in just 1 month and we thank you for the unwavering support! We’re excited to announce that as of today, June 17, we’re rebranding. As part of our rebranding strategy, our page name will change from Random Stuff to One Philippines.
How did we come up to this? One Philippines, the sister company of Random Stuff with 120,000 likes was unpublished last May 11, 2020 - we’ve seen a lot of poser page copying our identity and how we helped in the community. Having that said, our founder decided to rebrand the name of this page Random Stuff to One Philippines. 
You’ll start to see changes to our identity system, website, social media profiles, and our new visual brand signature. You don’t even know what’s about to happen! To see weekly updates, on our progress, follow our Social Media Accounts.
As we start this process, we’d like to take some time and thank our loyal followers and associates. Without you, this would not be possible and we look forward to a successful years with all of you.

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