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Carmona City Shines Bright: A Remarkable Recognition at the Pawid Awards 2023


Carmona City – Carmona City has once again proven its commitment to empowering the youth and promoting community engagement by being recognized in the prestigious Pawid Awards 2023. The Community Affairs and Youth Development Office of Carmona (CAYDO) has secured the coveted title of "Most Outstanding Local Youth Development Office in the Province."

The Pawid Awards, known for celebrating excellence in local governance and community development, has bestowed this remarkable honor upon CAYDO for its exceptional dedication and impactful initiatives in nurturing the potential of Carmona's youth.

Key Achievements of CAYDO:

  1. Holistic Youth Development Programs: CAYDO's comprehensive youth development programs have played a pivotal role in shaping the future of Carmona's young residents. By offering a diverse range of educational, recreational, and skills development activities, the office has created a nurturing environment that supports the holistic growth of the youth.

  2. Empowerment through Participation: One of CAYDO's standout achievements is its success in involving youth in decision-making processes and community affairs. The office has effectively engaged young individuals in projects that contribute to the betterment of the city, promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility.

  3. Collaborative Partnerships: CAYDO's commitment to youth development extends beyond its own efforts. The office has forged valuable partnerships with local organizations, educational institutions, and private entities to expand its impact and provide a broader array of opportunities for the youth.

Mayor's Message:

Mayor Dahlia Loyola expressed his pride in CAYDO's accomplishments, stating, "We are incredibly proud of the Community Affairs and Youth Development Office for their unwavering dedication to nurturing our young talents. This recognition is a testament to their hard work and the positive impact they have on our community."

He further emphasized the city's commitment to fostering an environment where the youth can thrive, learn, and actively participate in shaping Carmona's future.

As the Community Affairs and Youth Development Office of Carmona continues to make strides in empowering the youth, this recognition from the Pawid Awards 2023 serves as a motivating force to pursue even greater heights in their efforts to create a better future for Carmona.

The Most Outstanding Local Youth Development Office in the Province award is a reflection of Carmona City's commitment to nurturing its youth, providing them with opportunities to thrive, and creating a foundation for a brighter and more vibrant community.

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